Antidote(10) installation on Linux

Here are some of the steps to get the French(English) language assistance tool Antidote (by Druide) installed and working on your Linux box.

Firstly, Antidote is built using the Qt toolkit. As such, the installer for it is made with the Qt installer framework. There is no .deb, .rpm, or other Linux package to install.

Now (VERY IMPORTANT), for the installer to work there must be a properly functioning graphical su/sudo application available in your desktop manager. This means that it must be integrated well, and probably not just an external application. The installation will likely fail if you attempt to run it from a desktop without this.

For example, I tried to install from within the Enlightenment desktop and it refused to work. Upon running the installation script (explained next) I was met with a demand from pkexec for an admin password. After giving the password the installation would exit with an error. Trying gksu/gksudo also failed. Straight su/sudo were no help. The solution was to login into KDE plasma and install. KDE has its own kdesu (or whatever it is called now) and worked immediately. It should also work under any recent GNOME and its derivatives(e.g. Cinnamon, MATE). Other desktops will probably have this same issue. Try KDE/GNOME first.

After downloading and decompressing the Antidote tar.gz archive (~1 Gb), make sure the Installation.bash script is executable. If not, execute chmod u+x Installation.bash in a shell. Then execute ./Installation.bash, under an appropriate desktop, as already explained. After it is done, you should now have Antidote 10, Connectix 10 - Antidote, and Documentation - Antidote 10 menu entries under Office in your desktop menus.

Connectix is Antidote’s program for controlling the connection (communicating) to either the desktop application or its newer web version (beta), as well as providing some configuration options.

A little issue I had with Connectix initialization occurred when trying it from Enlightenment the first time. Upon opening the Connectix dialog, the option to switch between desktop Antidote and web was missing. On a hunch, I decided to log in to KDE and see if it was the same. The “Flask” Antidote tray icon was immediately available. And the option to switch applications was in the options dialog now. Logging back into Enlightenment and opening the dialog now showed the switch. It is probably a good idea to make sure Antidote is functioning properly under KDE/GNOME before switching to another desktop.

Further, it doesn’t seem that the web version is working properly in terms of selecting/launching it. Had a few erratic launches of the web version when I didn’t want it and none of the text I “sent” to it showed up? For me, the desktop version is what is important because I have been developing a program to interface with Antidote that makes it easier for people to use when they cannot integrate Antidote into an application, as Druide has done for some applications, browsers. Newer versions of Antidote are supposed to improve on this (version 10.3 is coming soon), providing the expected interaction between web and application as is already there for their desktop version.

That is all for now.

